Buenos días mis latinas hermosas... En el reto pasado tuvimos poquitas participantes pero quienes se arriesgaron hicieron un trabajo fenomenal, así que aquí les muestro la ganadora
Good morning our beautiful Latinas... the last challenge we had less entries than usual; but those who dared to do it, did a great job!! so here is the winner.
Ganadora escríbenos un correo a sponsorlatinas(arroba) gmail.com
Y el TOP 3

Hoy me toca proponer el reto (Yesy) y esta semana estaremos utilizando perlas o medias perlas en tu proyecto, ya sea en una Tarjeta, un alterado o una pagina... tu eliges lo que quieres trabajas, aquí el reto es que debes utilizar las perlas
Today, I Yesy was my turn to propose the theme for this week and I choose to use pearl or half pearls in your project; it could be a card, an alter item or a Layout... it´s your choice if what you want to do, just you have to use pearls.

Good morning our beautiful Latinas... the last challenge we had less entries than usual; but those who dared to do it, did a great job!! so here is the winner.
Ganadora escríbenos un correo a sponsorlatinas(arroba) gmail.com
Y el TOP 3

Hoy me toca proponer el reto (Yesy) y esta semana estaremos utilizando perlas o medias perlas en tu proyecto, ya sea en una Tarjeta, un alterado o una pagina... tu eliges lo que quieres trabajas, aquí el reto es que debes utilizar las perlas
Today, I Yesy was my turn to propose the theme for this week and I choose to use pearl or half pearls in your project; it could be a card, an alter item or a Layout... it´s your choice if what you want to do, just you have to use pearls.

Veamos lo que hizo el maravilloso Equipo de Diseño
Let see what the DT made for your inspiration
Let see what the DT made for your inspiration
Nuestro patrocinador es Inks Impressions y para la ganadora de este reto otorgara 10$ para comprar en su tienda, así que no olvides subir tu participación en este post, en el inlinkz para poder participar, tienes hasta el Martes 26 de noviembre a las 11:55 a.m. hora de Mexico para participar.
Our Sponsor this week is Inky Impressions and for the winner she will give a gift card of $10 to use in her website, so don´t forget to make your project and upload it at inlinkz to participate. You have until Tuesday November 26th, at 11:55 Mexico City time to participate.
Our Sponsor this week is Inky Impressions and for the winner she will give a gift card of $10 to use in her website, so don´t forget to make your project and upload it at inlinkz to participate. You have until Tuesday November 26th, at 11:55 Mexico City time to participate.