Hola chicas, esta semana tenemos un nuevo reto en Latinas en America y tambien el ultimo de este ano 2012, todo este tiempo fue muy lindo para nosotras, hemos aprendido mucho de ustedes y esperamos que ustedes tambien hayan aprendido de nosotras, en el 2013 venimos con mas retos y mas sopresas para todas ustedes, habran mas tutoriales, premios, ideas, etc! Asi chicas que esperamos venir con mucha fuerza y animos para el 2013, les deseamos un Feliz Navidad y un lindo ano nuevo, que haya mucha paz y felicidad en sus hogares, gracias por un 2012 espectacular!!
Hello girls, this week we have a new challenge in Latinas en America and also is the last one of this year, all this time was really nice for all of us, we had learned many things from you and we hope you guys learned from us as well, in 2013 we will have more challenges and more surprises for all of you, we will have more tutorials, prizes, ideas, etc! Girls we are coming back in 2013 stronger and really excited, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, peace and happiness in your homes, thank you for a spectacular 2012!!
Ahora vamos a anunciar la Ganadora y Top 5 del Reto #52.
Now we are going to annunce the Winner and Top 5 of Challenge #52.
Top 5
Felicidades chicas!! Ganadora
comunicate con nosotras a latinasenamerica@gmail.com para que nos digas los archivos que escogistes de la
tienda del patrocinador (Creative Need) para
que ellos te envien tu premio.
girls!! Winner get in touch with us at latinasenamerica@gmail.com so you
can let us know which files you chose from the sponsor store (Creative Need), so they can send your the prize.
Nuestro Reto #53 La Navidad, debes hacer cualquier proyecto de la navidad, super divertido y muy lindo.
Our Challenge #53 Christmas, you should make any project about christmas, so fun and pretty.
Nuestro patrocinador de esta semana son la maravillosa gente de The Paper Shelter quien dara un premio a la ganadora del reto de $20 en tarjeta de regalo para ser gastados en su tienda.
Our sponsor of this week are the wonderful people of The Paper Shelter who will give a prize to the winner of the challenge of $20 gift card to be spend in their store.
Now for your inspiration here you have the
beautiful projects made by our wonderful Design Team, do not forget to visit
their blogs to leave your love with pretty comments, Thank you!
Bueno chicas inspiradas?? Esperamos ver
sus creaciones!
Inspired girls?? We are waiting to see
your creations!